The cult rock musical Rent! Music and Lyrics by Jonathan Larson. Loosely based on La Bohème, the story of a group of young artists struggling to survive in late 1990 Bohemian Lower Manhattan's East Village under the shadow of HIV/AIDS. Performed during March 12-26 2015 at the Beit Mazya theater.
Director: Eli Kaplan Wildmann Musical Director: Jeff Rosenschein Choreographer: Yaeli Greenblatt Stage Manager: Elianna Rosenschein Producer: Elinor Kaufman
Cast: Yossi Calderon, Omer Yavin, Michal Shwartz Shilo, Rachel Sofaer, Lev Kerzhner, Hayim Ezra Ani, Shlomit Kovolski, Rebecca Fox, Coren Feldman, Richie Mann, Tal Schwerd, Gabriella Feingold, Shayna Tischler, Noa Kolomer, Antoine L. Collins, Jonathan Mosheiff, Amanda Bernstein, David Gellman, Stephen Lerner.